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Set up automatic reminders for licencing and training information with Check Points

This video will show you how to create new Check Points for any recurring events that you and your colleagues need reminders about. Using this flexible feature you can create automatic reminders for any events.

Once you've created your Check Points you can run informative reports and take a look at overdue items, or what's coming up for renewal in the future - to find out how to create Check Point Reports, click here.

Blog 11

This video will show you how to create new Check Points for any recurring events that you and your colleagues need reminders about. Using this flexible feature you can create automatic reminders for any events.

Once you've created your Check Points you can run informative reports and take a look at overdue items, or what's coming up for renewal in the future - to find out how to create Check Point Reports, click here.

Let’s speed things up (2)

Boost your HR skills today. Start now and complete the Checklist Challenges to get the most from your HR Portal Training account.

HR Compliance
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based on 25 employees
Perfect for SMEs
HR Administrator
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based on 25 employees
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HR Plus Payroll
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Let’s speed things up (2)

Boost your HR skills today. Start now and complete the Checklist Challenges to get the most from your HR Portal Training account.

HR Compliance
per employee
based on 25 employees
Perfect for SMEs
HR Administrator
per employee
based on 25 employees
reco cta
HR Plus Payroll
per employee
based on 25 employees
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